Monday, October 31, 2011


Invitation to participate in a programme protesting the use of draconian laws on humanrights and civilrights movement of the country; expressing solidarity with Dr. Binayak Sen and campaigning for his release

At YMCA Thiruvalla on 9th February 2011 at 3 pm

Greetings to you!

We are in the gross shadow of the gross injustice perpetrated on Dr.Binayak Sen; who has been convicted for life imprisonment.

The verdict passed by the District and Sessions Court Raipore on 24th December 2010 against Dr.Binayak Sen,

lover of the oppressed and the champions of their cause shocks us and angries us.We feel that the democracy of our country is losing its meaning.

Sure, it is the duty of all who uphold human rights and civil liberties to protest against the proceedings based on the draconian laws of

Chattisgarh State Govt .for the human rights activities championed by

Dr. Sen among those who are denied them.

Thiruvalla Ecumenical Charitable Trust, Dynamic Action Collective and Kerala Council of Churches

are jointly organizing a meeting to express solidarity with Dr. Binayak Sen and to urge the authorities concerned to initiate steps for his release.

The meeting is proposed to be held at 3pm on Wednesday 9th February, 2011 at the YMCA Hall , Thiruvalla.

Most Rev Dr. Philippose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan will Inaugurate the meeting and

Dr. Sebastian Paul will be the keynote speaker.

Rt.Rev.Dr. Kuriakose Mar Ivanios; the Vice president of KCC will preside over.

Participation of all concerned with human and civil rights are expected.

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